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- BoatHistoryReport.com
- Wellcraft- BoatHistoryReport.com
- Bertram- BoatHistoryReport.com
- Boatfax.com
- Wellcraft- BoatFax
- Bertram- BoatFax
- HINValid.com
- Wellcraft- HINValid
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- Wellcraft- Marine Title
- Bertram- Marine Title
- HINDecoder/Boat-Alert
- Wellcraft- HINDecoder
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- 2013 Wellcraft- BoatHistoryReport
- 2013 Bertram- BoatHistoryReport
- 2013 WellCraft- boatfax
- 2013 Bertram- boatfax
- 2013 Wellcraft- MarineTitle
- 2013 Bertram- MarineTitle
- 2013 Bertram- HINValid

HINValid is also a very clean website, easy to navigate and figure out what the site is for (i.e. validating a HIN only). It's extremely narrowed focus allows for a very simple idea that is easy to understand, exactly what any websites audience needs. The use of javascript at the top of the website helps hold a users attention giving them a better chance to capture a sale. The catchy opening line "5 Important reasons you should check the HIN" makes you want to hear a little more. Overall, not a lot of white space but fairly clean without any distracting ads.
On the bottom of the page, there is a large yellow bar that says, "Get Started Now"- couldn't be much simpler than that.
Once you click that, you are brought to a page that tries to make sure you feel good about what you're about to purchase by pushing scary facts on you, and then has you enter the HIN. I will say though, it made me want to enter a HIN! You are then taken to step 2 where it again tries to make sure you feel good about your purchase and have you enter your HIN, again. You then move on to step 3, where you enter your HIN for a 3rd time, as well as at the very minimum, the manufacturer. The next page is also step 3, in which you select either the Instant HIN Verification (IHV) for $4.95 or the Instant HIN Verification Plus (IHV Plus) which includes an analyst review for $19.95. Finally you are taken to the payment page where you can either pay with your PayPal account, credit card or debit card.
For a very affordable $4.95, you get an automatic verification that the HIN is valid. The more expensive option at $19.95 includes an analyst review of the HIN based on the format and serial number.
There is not an account page for this. Once you pay you are shown the validity of your HIN immediately and told that the analyst review will take a couple of days and will be emailed to you. This was in fact ready for me the same day which was nice.
The report is very simple as all it claims to do is validate the HIN against compliancy, integrity and finally with an analyst review. In the "Recommendations" section, it recommended that I upgrade to the IHV Plus version, which I had already done, so this was useless. The analyst review identified that there were no irregularities in my HIN and cost me an extra $15 to do so. It seems as though they've really cut back from that it was a few years ago where it used to offer a suggested length and some additional history of the manufacturer.
The site does offer some boat buying tips and links to articles on theft and insurance.
This site is simply a HIN Validator. It is very clean and very easy to use. The information provided, i.e. that the HIN I entered is valid, is done for free by other sites, therefore, making it a costly $19.95. The analyst review that was provided within 5 minutes supposedly checked my HIN against other HIN's to ensure the dates and serial number made sense for the manufacturer. It used to be significantly more detailed so it seems that they have downgraded on their analyst review. If you are trying to check the HISTORY of your boat, to see if it has been in accidents, salvaged etc..., you'll need to go elsewhere.
On the bottom of the page, there is a large yellow bar that says, "Get Started Now"- couldn't be much simpler than that.
Once you click that, you are brought to a page that tries to make sure you feel good about what you're about to purchase by pushing scary facts on you, and then has you enter the HIN. I will say though, it made me want to enter a HIN! You are then taken to step 2 where it again tries to make sure you feel good about your purchase and have you enter your HIN, again. You then move on to step 3, where you enter your HIN for a 3rd time, as well as at the very minimum, the manufacturer. The next page is also step 3, in which you select either the Instant HIN Verification (IHV) for $4.95 or the Instant HIN Verification Plus (IHV Plus) which includes an analyst review for $19.95. Finally you are taken to the payment page where you can either pay with your PayPal account, credit card or debit card.
For a very affordable $4.95, you get an automatic verification that the HIN is valid. The more expensive option at $19.95 includes an analyst review of the HIN based on the format and serial number.
There is not an account page for this. Once you pay you are shown the validity of your HIN immediately and told that the analyst review will take a couple of days and will be emailed to you. This was in fact ready for me the same day which was nice.
The report is very simple as all it claims to do is validate the HIN against compliancy, integrity and finally with an analyst review. In the "Recommendations" section, it recommended that I upgrade to the IHV Plus version, which I had already done, so this was useless. The analyst review identified that there were no irregularities in my HIN and cost me an extra $15 to do so. It seems as though they've really cut back from that it was a few years ago where it used to offer a suggested length and some additional history of the manufacturer.
The site does offer some boat buying tips and links to articles on theft and insurance.
This site is simply a HIN Validator. It is very clean and very easy to use. The information provided, i.e. that the HIN I entered is valid, is done for free by other sites, therefore, making it a costly $19.95. The analyst review that was provided within 5 minutes supposedly checked my HIN against other HIN's to ensure the dates and serial number made sense for the manufacturer. It used to be significantly more detailed so it seems that they have downgraded on their analyst review. If you are trying to check the HISTORY of your boat, to see if it has been in accidents, salvaged etc..., you'll need to go elsewhere.